Part Number: LM5148 Tool/software: Hi experts,
I have a just one question about Slope compensation.
In datasheet, there are only two value about slope compensation value.
Internal slope compensation1
RRT = 9.52kΩ
Part Number: LM5148
Hi all, And I am designing a buck converter around the LM5148, it is used in a lab power supply as a pre-regulator and converts the 35V bus to 3 > 33V output. The problem that I am having is that I designed the buck…
Part Number: LM5148 Tool/software: Hi,
When the spread spectrum function of the LM5148 is turned on, audible noise is generated from the inductor and output capacitor.
Since the modulation frequency is 8.2kHz (min) and 16.2kHz (max), it is natural that…
Part Number: LM5148 Tool/software: Hello guys,
One of my customers is considering using LM5148.
At this moment, they have the following questions. Could you please give me your reply.
Q. Which level of PGOOD pin is Open or Low when VIN or VCCX voltage…
Part Number: LM5148 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS552872-Q1 , , LM5190 Tool/software: Hi team
May I know if we have 60V input /54V output /2-5A current buck with adjusted current limit fuction
I need adjust output current limit trough a current sensing…
Part Number: LM5148 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CSD19532KTT Tool/software: hello
i used the LM5148RGYR to regulate 38-45V input, to 24v/5A output.
when the load is high (3A and higher) the output voltage drops to 23.4v down even to 23v
what can be…
Part Number: LM5148 Tool/software: Hello, Is it possible to have the link one more time ?
LM5148: Voltage ripple injection limit for LM5148
) It is not working when I click on the one you gave in the answer. Thank you,
Best regards,