Section 7.2 in the LM8272 goes into detail about how its design is tolerant to capacitive output loads.
Other parts that that match the "unlimited cap*" search terms are LM8262, LM7321, and LM8261.
Hi George,
I apologize for the error you have found in the LM8261 Abs. max rating where the lower limit is shown as "V- - 0.1V". That is incorrect!
For reference, you could look at the LM8262 (LM8261's sister part) where it is shown correctly…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THS4271 , LM8261 , TINA-TI , LM7322 , LM8272 , LM7121 , LM8262 , LM7321 Hi,
Could someone please suggest a suitable opamp which can be used as a unit gain (buffer) configuration?.
This opamp should be able to drive a load with capacitance…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV721 , LM8272 , LM7321 , LM8262 I would like to use a LMV721 (or other similar opAmp) to establish a 1.65V virtual ground; the VCC is 3.3 volts. I would like the impedance of the virtual ground to remain as low as possible…