I also downloaded the OPA1602.lib file linked in this thread, and tried it with the best free SPICE simulator available (LTSpice IV ). I had some initial convergence failures because the model's pinout didn't match the generic op-amp in LTSpice…
LM4562 is the same chip as LME49720 (LM4562 is old name for this chip), and seems also as LME49860. Only one difference for LME49860 - higher limit for the supply voltage (maybe selected in manufacturing process). LME49740 is also the same, but four…
What is the status of the LME49860? If the 36V LME49720 is EOL and the 44V LME49860 is not, then this isn't really a problem.
What is the status of the LM4562? If the LM4562 is not EOL then the LME49720 really isn't either: They are the same part…
Thank you for the link Victor.
"[OPA1612] has no data for to drive 600 ohm load."
The 600 Ohm THD load data is featured on page 1 of the datasheet and also characterized on page 8.
The OPA1612 does have a higher maximum Ib. The advantage of…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1642 , OPA1612 , LME49860 Hello
I am not sure which opamps to change in my Technics SL-P990 cd player. Thomas helped me with choosing a suitable opamp, thanks again the OPA1642.
A japanese website M5238pf Mitsubishi made…
Hi Paulo,
The LME49870 (Single) does not have a TINA-TI model, but LME49860 (Dual) does and the electrical characteristics are identical. So, you can use the LME49860 instead.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2604 , LME49860 Hi,
I have a personal project to build an audio equalizer base on state variable filter, I have check in TI Tina and using LME49860 opamp (the other candidate is OPA2604), everything looks fine but I have…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1641 , OPA827 , LME49860 , THS4601 Hi,
I have seen in one post about minimum GBW for a filter, right now I have an audio filter project base on state variable filter using LME49860 & OPA1641 or OPA827 with:
F: 665Hz…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LME49724 , LME49860 , LM4562 Hi everyone,
What exactly does the DC Gain Linearity Error specified in the first page of LME49724 datasheet mean? What were the operation conditions, for which this parameter was measured? Would…