Part Number: LMH5401 Tool/software: Hi:
I hope to use LMH5401 to design a circuit with adjustable VCM output.
The working voltage of LMH5401 : VCC = 3.15V , VEE = -2.14V
It is hoped that the VCM output will be in the following range: [-500mV 500mV]
Part Number: LMH5401 Tool/software: hi,
It is planned to use a LMH5401 VCM to output the DC bias voltage,
but the output noise is very demanding, preferably comparable to the input noise on the differential side.
Part Number: LMH5401 Tool/software: Hello,
I plan to use 4 LMH5401 on my platform and I need to know if you have a reference design with several amplifier which share same supplies.
I plan to have one LDO for positive supply (3.2V) and a LDO for negative…
Part Number: LMH5401 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC12DL1500 , TINA-TI Tool/software: Hi team, I am using LMH5401 for driving the ADC12DL1500. Will this drive the S to D conversion with maximum efficiency? Our steady state voltage is 0.8V with +/-400 mVpp…
Part Number: LMH5401 Tool/software: I hope you are doing well.
I am currently using the PSPICE model for the LMH5401, and I would like to confirm whether this model includes the parameters for the UQFN package. Understanding whether the package parameters…
Part Number: LMH5401-SP Tool/software: Hello TI team,
We are working in a hardware design with LMH5401-SP and we would like to simulate its integration with other elements.
Could you please share a IBIS model for this component in order to check signal…
Part Number: LMH5401 Tool/software: Hi team,
My customer is planning to carry out SI analysis to ensure the quality of high-speed signals such as those in the GHz band.
I understand that there are no IBIS models for analog signal products, including…
Part Number: LMH5401 Tool/software: Hi team
For the LMH5401, there is recommended resistor setup as below in the datasheet:
Since customer want to both cover 2V/V gain and 3.5V Gain, they want to choose the resistor value as below for 2V/V. If this is…