Part Number: LMK04228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TEST2
I want 38.4Mhz clock output and sync output via LMK04228. OSCin uses 122.88Mhz and CLKin uses 38.4Mhz. I want an output for the sync pulse based on the sync pulse input. Figure 5. Curious how…
Part Number: LMK04228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CLOCK-TREE-ARCHITECT , , LMK04828 Hello, My customer would like to have a PLL solution for the following requirements. Input = 155.52MHz Output#1 = 2488.32MHz Output#2 = 1244.16MHz Output#3 = 311.…
Part Number: LMK04228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04828 Hello, I have been debugging a board card which uses lmk04228 as the reference clock of optical fiber communication.
Problem1: The output clock of lmk04228 is 100m, and the input crystal…
Part Number: LMK04228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCLVP1102 , LMK04610 , LMK04616
I am trying to get 38.4Mhz as input and make 38.4Mhz as two outputs. i will make just repeater
However, the frequency that can be made using TICS PRO is 38.4615384615Mhz…
Part Number: LMK04828BEVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04228 Hi Team,
Hello, I am debugging on the development board using lmk04228, using the parameters generated by the simulation design software given by TI. The reference clock is 100m (crystal…
Part Number: LMK04828-EP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04228 , LMK04828 , LMK04832 ,
I'm currently considering these devices for my JESD clocks generation: LMK04228, LMK04828, LMK04828-EP, LMK04832.
As far as I know, they are all pin compatible…
Part Number: LMK04228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE5828 , TX7516 , hi,
my customer wants to clock generator for configuration below.
80MHz *6 (for AFE5828 and FPGA)
320MHz *6(for TX7516 and FPGA)
2MHz *3(for AFE5828 CWD and FPGA)
32MHz *2(for AFE5828…
Part Number: LMK04228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7769 , LMK04828
Hi team,
I'm using LMK04228 to clock AFE7769. Below is my design for filter, charge pump gain, etc. Could you pls help review the PLL1 and PLL2 loop design is fine for low jitter…
Part Number: LMK04228
Hi team,
I DWIN LMK04228 in a wireless station project for JESD204B. To make sure both PLLs are locked, I think I should set Status_LD2 pin to value 0x03 in register? This might be a simple question, but I'm not sure about the full…
Part Number: LMK04228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04828 ,
Hi there,
I would like to confirm one thing quickly. My customer is using LMK04228 (LMK04828) for a JESD204B use case. The 245.76MHz device clocks are on clockout0 and clockout2. But…