Part Number: LMK04832 Tool/software: LMK04832 supports two VCO with range at VCO0 2440 ~ 2580 MHz and VCO1 2945 ~ 3255 MHz.
In JESD204B, SYSREF is normally < 10MHz with certain division requirement to the device clock and sampling clock and so on.…
Part Number: LMK04832 Tool/software: Hi
I have two LMK04832 in the system. I have also read the document of Synchronizing multiple LMK0482x devices, or providing more JESD204B outputs than a single LMK0482x device allows.
#1 PLL Outputs
1. The Device…
Part Number: LMK04832-SP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04832 Tool/software: I am using the LMK04832 chip in distribution mode and using the OSCout pins as buffered outputs of the OSCin pin.
We have a 100 Mhz HCMOS output reference clock (EX-219…
Part Number: LMK04832 Tool/software: Setups:,
In case of two LMK04832, where one in single loop 0-delay mode ( master ) and another in distribution mode ( slave ) with CLKin1 used on both.
1. master get 100MHz REF IN while slave get A output clock from the…
Part Number: LMK04832 Tool/software: #1
W have 100MHz to CLKin1, By setting all devices in single loop 0 delay mode and using CLKout8 as FB CLK.
The Device Clock outputs are aligned without toggling PLL SYNC pin nor SPI SYNC.
However the SYSREF outputs…
Hi Kevin, I'm afraid given the number of outputs you have you're limited to a jitter cleaner. I do believe LMK3H2018 might suffice given it has a buffer mode option, but I would need to check if we can divide down a 200MHz input - and most importantly…
Part Number: LMK04832 Tool/software: Hi: Under the following conditions, what is the approximate absolute propagation delay between the input and output of LMK04832? Thanks!
Part Number: LMK04832 Tool/software: Hello,
Does the LMK04832 have any features allowing non-voilatile modifications to the power up state of its registers? ARe there similar parts that do if this one does not?
Thanks, Adam