Part Number: LMKDB1104 Tool/software: Hi Expert,
Customers want to know if PWRGD/PWRDN# can be directly connected to a high level? They do not need the PG function. If it cannot be directly connected to a high level, how long is it recommended to pull…
Part Number: LMKDB1104 Tool/software: I am look for a 1 to 4 PCIE Gen4 clock buffer/fanout, 2 clocks to PCIe add-in card and 2 clocks to AMD FPGA GTY transceiver reference clock
Looking for a simple buffer that do not need much setup, maybe a pin to…
Part Number: LMKDB1104EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMKDB1104 , LMKDB1204 Tool/software: When can I apply for sample testing for LMKDB1104 and when can I start mass production?
Whether to provide a specific description of REY(VQFN,20) package,Including…
Oops, just saw something I missed. It seems to me that the "Low (default)" description in the evaluaiton module comes from the header jumper seen here.
I would still appreciate an answer about the differences in pin function on LMKDB1102 vs.…
Part Number: LMX1204 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMKDB1104 , LMK04832 , LMK1D1204 , LMK1D2104 Tool/software: Hi
According datasheet, the min frequency for CLKin is 300MHz:
1) Can you explain why can't the device work at lower input frequency?
Yes. This is correct.
If you want a clock buffer with 85 ohm outputs, I would recommend our latest PCIe clock buffer the LMKDB1104 . The LMKDB1104Z85 is the 85 ohm variant.
The LMKDB family of buffers is our latest and recommended solution for PCIe applications. The LMKDB1108 (8-output) and LMKDB1104 (4-output) are available for sampling now and meet all of your requirements. If your "clock generator" is only generating…