Hi Miller,
Datasheet specifies LMV225 for resistor tap based application and LMV226/LMV228 for applications with directional couplers. I see you are using LMV225 with directional coupler.
I will check internally and get back to you on this issue…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV242 , LMV226 , LMV228 , LMV225 , LMH2121 , LMH2120 , LMH2110 , LMH2100 Looking for a RF power detector at 2.5Ghz. I noticed the LMV225, LMV226, LMV228 and LMV242 detectors are spec'd to only 2 Ghz. Is there any information…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV232 , LMV228 I have a problem about RF detector .
I need a AGC circuit ,followed is the process diagram:
My problem is focused the detector. which type of detector i should select , power detector or peak detector ?