Part Number: LMV721 Tool/software: hi team,
my customer recently has received LMV721 but with 2 kinds of marking.Could u kindly help to explain the reason?
Part Number: LMV721-N
Our company has bought a lot of LMV721M5 on 2007. And recently bought the replacement one: LMV721M5/NOPB (Because LMV721M5 is about to obsolete).
Although the character in datasheet is completely the same , in actual test…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV721 , LMV721-N , LMV722-N Hi all,
My customer try to use LMV721 to finish AFCI signal conditioning. Due to the input is small, input noise is an important parameter.
From the 1st page, we get that LMV721 input voltage…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV721 Hello,
This question is in regards to an LMV721 in a 3.3V single supply AC coupled inverting amplifier configuration with the non-inverting reference near 0.3V. Questions arise since the AC coupled signal will force…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LME49721 , OPA322 , OPA365 , LMP7731 I am using this device in a 2nd order unity gain Sallen-Key low pass filter. R1=R2 = 100k, C1 = .22uF, C2 = .47uF. Vcc = 2.5 volts.
I am seeing about a .250 volt drop across R2 at about…
Hi Luo,
the maximum supply voltage of LMV721 is 5.5V. Also, the LMV721 is no input-rail-to-rail OPAmp. And the transistor circuit is incomplete at the collector.
What are you planning to do?
Part Number: LMV721 hi all,请教个问题: 1832.ant _stimulation_1116 - 副本.TSC
Part Number: OPA1622 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1641 , INA1620 , , TPS61322 , LMV1015 , LMV721 , OPA172 Hello, not sure if this the appropriate part to use for my application, so here is what I am trying to do.
Need an audio chip that can take high…
Hi Daniel,
Thanks very much for the advice. My customer still would like to know what's different between LMV721 and TLV9061, since he uses LMV721 for 2~4 years without having such kind damage issue.
Customer agrees to add a series resistor at next…
Part Number: LMV722 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA316 , TLV9062 , TLV2172 , OPA2172 , LMV721-N , Hello, customer ask for PSPICE model for the LMV722.
Regards, Holger