Part Number: LMX2581 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , LMX2572LP I need some advice regarding the LMX2581.
Fosc: 10MHz, Fout: 280MHz, Fpd: 10MHz. As a result of actual measurement, spurious at intervals of 10 MHz is observed at 280 MHz. This spurious is…
Part Number: LMX2581EVM Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2581 Request review materials for product design.
LMX2581 Evb Design Source.
Ideally gerber files and, if possible, a step 3D of the board.
Part Number: LMX2581 Data sheet on Page 7 says OSCIn input voltage min=0.4Vpp, max=1.7Vpp.
Figure 12 and 13 show a much lower sensitivity, on the order of -27dBm.
Can you explain the differences in the data sheet?
Also, I'm using a CMOS TCXO and it appears…
Part Number: LMX2581 We are trying to implement FM on a 450MHz output signal. which we get an response ,( AM implement on loop filter)
but this is not stable or consistant over our Audio frequency range ( 1-40KHz)
Do you think this is possible to get reliable…
Part Number: LMX2581 I am running differential outputs with 50 ohm pullups and driving into a demod chip that has input imped of 100 ohms. At 750M I'm measuring a high second harmonic level of -10dBc. I am only getting 18dB image rejection from the demod…
Part Number: LMX2581 Please give me some advice regarding the MUXout (LD) of the LMX2581.
OSCin:120MHz, RFout:1540MHz. The setting of LMX2581 is as follows, and data is written from R5(int). Even if OSCin is turned on from off, MUXout remains High Level…
Part Number: LMX2581 Table 5 in the data sheet says Approximate (NOT ensured) VCO Core Frequency Ranges. In my design there are boundaries where, as I step in frequency, the VCO core will change. I have identified them according to Table 5. This is not…