Part Number: LP-MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: Hello,
I'm trying to communicate to a target using I2C bus, but there is something odd I need to clarify.
How to read a byte from the target device using I2C: send start, send device address (write), receive…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L2228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP-MSPM0G3507 Tool/software: Hi sir,
I tried to use printf() to print variable but it seems be hang, I have tried to add heap size but still got the same issue. Is there any possible way to…
Hi, Daniele
If in CCS, using empty project with default .cmd file, there won't be content that need to be loaded into SRAM.
But log shows that there are data need to load to 0x20200000 and this is SRAM region, not a flash region.
Daniele Nardi said…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: Hi all,
I am currently experiencing a strange behaivour in GUI Composer. I have a variable which is used as a voltage reference value and needs to be a number with at least one decimal place and increments of…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: I am migrating a project from IAR to CCS. The original project don't use many IAR functions but include some and I have replaced them as following table.
What are the some things I should watch out for when…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: Dear expert,
SDK version: mspm0_sdk_2_01_00_03
Example running from SDK without any modify: lcd_write_memory
User run with the LCD example from our SDK, and powered with XDS110 through USB cable.
Sometimes the…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: Hi
If the Assigned Port Segment is set to Upper, PB14 disappears from the PinMux list. If it's set to Any, PB14 appears. Currently, there are no other settings occupying PB14. Does this mean that PB14 does not…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L2228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG , MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: Hi,
I am currently using the 'adc_to_uart_LP_MSPM0L2228_nortos_ticlang' example on the LP-MSPM0L2228. I noticed that only one ADC channel can be configured…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L2228 Tool/software: Hi,
Does the M0L2228 have a unique, non-repeating SN or ID? How can I read this data? It’s intended to be used for identification. Thanks.
Best regards,
Eason Tsai
Part Number: LP-MSPM0L2228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG , MSPM0G3507 , MSPM0L2228
Currently using the i2c_target_rw_multibyte_fifo_interrupts example on the LP-MSPM0L2228 development board,
I want to implement a function…