Part Number: LPV811 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PSPICE-FOR-TI , TINA-TI Tool/software: I am interested in using this op amp, however is there any good tutorials that explain the inner workings of these amplifiers i.e. they have very low GBWP. Is…
Part Number: LPV811 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA369 , TLV369 , TLV8811
Hi team,
Customer is looking at SGM8040 for a low side ultralow power current sense application, does LPV811 a suitable solution? Do we get a more suitable part get a similar…
Part Number: LPV811 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA379 , OPA369 , OPA349 My customer was initially looking at the LPV811/812 to gauge their accuracy, compared to a competitors part.
The lower bandwidth would exclude them from some current applications…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LPV812 , LPV811 Hi, I would like to finding some Amp to replace the AD8608 in the Piezo Charge Input Signal Conditioning Circuit in below link.
Does the LPV811/LPV812 are suitable for Piezo sensor Charge Input Signal Conditioning…
I got some more measurements for you. This time with 5.5V devices: Microchip MCP6031 and Texas LPV811
At first some tests as buffer with IN- connected to Out and a voltage to the positive input
Device Name
Supply Current with Input at negative Rail…
Part Number: LPV812 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LPV811 , OPA4317 I was puttering along updating my parametrics where eventually I try to put in the min web page 1k pricing, The single LPV811 worked fine but I get this (on two computers) if I try to…
Part Number: LPV812 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LPV821 , LPV811 , TLV2333 , LM358 , OPA627 I happen to have a design where the same input voltage is amplified with an inverting and a non-inverting amplifier (with similar gain actually).
The offset voltage…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LPV811 , OPA369 , INA190 , LPV821 , TINA-TI , LPV812 Hi,
Please find the attached current sensing circuit.
It's output voltage equation is given by VOUT =( RLOAD *RSENSE* I SENSE)/RIN.
As per my knowledge the equation is…