Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F47167 Hi,
I am using MSP430F47167. I want to interface RTC using i2c module of it. After slave adress transmission the data does not trsmitt. I dont get any erorror flag set, it just wait for UCB0TXIFG to be se…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F417 , MSP430F47167 Dear Sir,
I have purchased a debugger from TI (MSP430-FETUIF) on before 4 years and started projects on same using controller
MSP430F417/169 it will ok to run.But now a days im working on controller…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F47167 I am using MSP430F47167. I am getting UCNACKIFG set after slave address sent ie. after
UCTXSTT setting and trasmitt flag dont reset on UCNACKIFG.
Aravind, The two microcontroller products that are included in the launchpad are these: * MSP430G2211IN14 – 2kB Flash, 128B RAM, 10 GPIO, 1x 16-bit timer, WDT, BOR, Comparator A+ * MSP430G2231IN14 – 2kB Flash, 128B RAM, 10 GPIO, 1x 16-bit timer,…
So I just found something interesting! I have a PC with a clean install of win10, and I installed CCS 11.2 with the command line "--mode unattended --disable-components PF_MSP430,PF_MSP432"
And then installed the arm compiler and tried to use…
I ran into some issues using pdkProjectCreate script. See attached text files for output of both scripts i.e. pdkProjectCreate and pdksetupenv. The pdkProjectCreate script created a folder called MyExampleProjects but it was empty. The script appears…
OK, got an .rl file. See attached.
The line in question in this file is line 42960, __bis_SR_register(GIE). If you look, it replaces that line with the following:
__asm__ __volatile__ ("bis.w %0, SR { nop" : : "ri"((unsigned int) (0x0008)) );…