Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6632 Hi,
I have an problem.
I connect MSP430F6632 to computer using USB cable in VCOM mode, the device connect to computer as VCOM device,Then i try to connect as serial device using docklight or teraterm or hyperterminal…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6632 , SYSBIOS Hi
I am generating PWM 133 khz at one of the pin of msp430f6632 (using SYSBIOS environment in CODE composer studio)
/*Configure GPIO Port 1 pin 1 as output */ GPIO_setAsOutputPin(GPIO_PORT_P1,GPIO_PIN1…
Calling these functions is automatically done by the compiler when you use standard math operators ('*', '/', '>>' etc.). The functions are loaded form the runtime library that comes with the compiler. It's difficult to relocate them to fixed addresses…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6632 , SYSBIOS hi ,
I am using MSP430f6632 and SYSBIOS.i want to generate 1 khz signal in the format as 10 clock pulse(samples) at 1 khz followed by 2 ms delay then again 10 sample @ 1khz.
1) Do i have to use two…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6632 , SYSBIOS Hi,
I am using MSP430F6632 on code composer studio v5.2.1.0008 and sysbios Recently i have included binary semaphore to stop certain code from running like .
Task 1
if( Semaphore_pend(DataBus…
Hi MSP student,
I'm attaching a list of devices supported by SYS/BIOS (the RTOS):
If you want TI-RTOS, which includes SYS/BIOS as well as driver support (SPI, UART, etc), the list of MSP devices supported by TI-RTOS is the following…