Part Number: MSP430F67671 I'm interesting whether it is possible to use a high-frequency crystal oscillator on pins XIN and XOUT, or is it only supported by a 32,768 Hz clock generator? If there is no such support, is it right that I understand that there…
Hi MSP student,
I'm attaching a list of devices supported by SYS/BIOS (the RTOS):
If you want TI-RTOS, which includes SYS/BIOS as well as driver support (SPI, UART, etc), the list of MSP devices supported by TI-RTOS is the following…
As one more update, you can find the full revision table of compatible hardware and software revisions included in the release notes:
See the section called "Version Matrix"
Hi SeaFesse, If you check the release notes from version, in the Version Matrix section, you'll see that the MSP-GANG HW v1.04 is only compatible with version and higher. So this combination should not be used - please use the latest…
I ran into some issues using pdkProjectCreate script. See attached text files for output of both scripts i.e. pdkProjectCreate and pdksetupenv. The pdkProjectCreate script created a folder called MyExampleProjects but it was empty. The script appears…
So I just found something interesting! I have a PC with a clean install of win10, and I installed CCS 11.2 with the command line "--mode unattended --disable-components PF_MSP430,PF_MSP432"
And then installed the arm compiler and tried to use…
OK, got an .rl file. See attached.
The line in question in this file is line 42960, __bis_SR_register(GIE). If you look, it replaces that line with the following:
__asm__ __volatile__ ("bis.w %0, SR { nop" : : "ri"((unsigned int) (0x0008)) );…