Part Number: MSP430F67771 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET
Hi Team,
Customer is doing the global variable initialization on MSP430F67771, but find the initialized value of global variable is volatile. The test code is as below:
uint32_t test_value1…
Part Number: MSP-GANG Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F67771 , I have a device that requires a specific order of steps to properly program and I'm attempting to automate the process. I'm having trouble getting the board to program using the commands…
Part Number: MSP430F67771A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6777 , MSP430F67771 , , MSP430F6777A
Greetings. and sorry for the trouble. I could not find any data showing the difference between MSP430F6777 and MSP430F67771
Can any one help me…
Part Number: CCSTUDIO Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F67771 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hello,
I am working with CCS 7.4 and with an imported makefile project. The target is an ARM M4 of the TDA3. The Project uses the compiler ti-cgt-arm_5…
Hi MSP student,
I'm attaching a list of devices supported by SYS/BIOS (the RTOS):
If you want TI-RTOS, which includes SYS/BIOS as well as driver support (SPI, UART, etc), the list of MSP devices supported by TI-RTOS is the following…
As one more update, you can find the full revision table of compatible hardware and software revisions included in the release notes:
See the section called "Version Matrix"
Hi SeaFesse, If you check the release notes from version, in the Version Matrix section, you'll see that the MSP-GANG HW v1.04 is only compatible with version and higher. So this combination should not be used - please use the latest…