Part Number: MSP430FR58671 Tool/software: Having an issue with ADC reading sequence of channels.
I have an 8x8 pixel array that I am reading. For troubleshooting all pixels are open. I ground individual pixels to verify correct memory location pointed…
Part Number: MSP430FR58671 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR2355 Eventually I will be reading in from multiplexers an 8x8 image array. For now I am just trying to setup an array that holds ech pixel data and a pointer that will point to which location…
Part Number: MSP430FR58671 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5969 Tessolve is looking for a device which supports I2C BSL. Their team has selected the MSP430FR58671 for this design, they are interested in understanding how they can evaluate the I2C…
Part Number: MSP430FR58671 Hi,
My customer read about some literature about FRAM devices from TI saying its ability to be unaffected by radiation(soft errors). (Ref: )
The FAQ here does mention it is ‘very unlikely…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET , MSP430FR58671 hi,
debugger cannot access target with external or internal supply at 1.80V
it works fine at 3V.
Same problem in JTAG mode.
Is the MSP-FET able to do targets at 1.8V ?
So I just found something interesting! I have a PC with a clean install of win10, and I installed CCS 11.2 with the command line "--mode unattended --disable-components PF_MSP430,PF_MSP432"
And then installed the arm compiler and tried to use…
I ran into some issues using pdkProjectCreate script. See attached text files for output of both scripts i.e. pdkProjectCreate and pdksetupenv. The pdkProjectCreate script created a folder called MyExampleProjects but it was empty. The script appears…
OK, got an .rl file. See attached.
The line in question in this file is line 42960, __bis_SR_register(GIE). If you look, it replaces that line with the following:
__asm__ __volatile__ ("bis.w %0, SR { nop" : : "ri"((unsigned int) (0x0008)) );…