Part Number: MSP430FR5968 Having a great deal of trouble with the clock on msp430fr5968. I have a 4MHz ceramic resonator which is oscillating on frequency.
However, when I set a timer for 4000 cycles, I end up with an interrupt about every 840 us. Also…
Part Number: MSP430FR5968 Having a great deal of trouble with the 430 (msp430fr5968). Initialize micro and uart (see init code below). Then send a character to the tx buffer (UCA1TXBUF = 0X55;). The transmit data line was high after init but when the…
Part Number: MSP430FR5968 All -
I am having trouble clearing the interrupt on P1.4. I have tired writing a zero to the flag bit and have tired reading the P1IV register. Nothing clears the bit. I haves repeatedly checked the interrupt is not occurring…
Part Number: MSP430FR5968 Running CCS.. Start Debug.
Debug window says "Code Composer Studio - Device Debigging
TI MSP430 USB1/MSP430 (Running) "
Continue and Suspend icons are not available.
Have absolutlel no idea what…
Part Number: MSP430FR5968 Hi,
My customer wants to know the DCO circuit configuration and operating principle of MSP430FR5968.
Is there any other information besides the schematics on page 95 of the User's Guide?
Hi MSP student,
I'm attaching a list of devices supported by SYS/BIOS (the RTOS):
If you want TI-RTOS, which includes SYS/BIOS as well as driver support (SPI, UART, etc), the list of MSP devices supported by TI-RTOS is the following…
As one more update, you can find the full revision table of compatible hardware and software revisions included in the release notes:
See the section called "Version Matrix"
Hi SeaFesse, If you check the release notes from version, in the Version Matrix section, you'll see that the MSP-GANG HW v1.04 is only compatible with version and higher. So this combination should not be used - please use the latest…
So I just found something interesting! I have a PC with a clean install of win10, and I installed CCS 11.2 with the command line "--mode unattended --disable-components PF_MSP430,PF_MSP432"
And then installed the arm compiler and tried to use…