Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2112 I want to measure an input signal on P1.1 using MSP430G2112 and to display it on a LCD conected on P2. I use Timer0_ A and interrupt routine.
If routine is activated LED P1.6 flashes. The problem is that I…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2112 "C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/msp430_15.12.3.LTS/bin/cl430" -DBOARD_MSP430_XXXX -vmsp --use_hw_mpy=none --include_path="C:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="C:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/msp430_15…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2112 Hi all !
I have a problem. I'm using MSP430G2112 interfaces RTC DS1307. Writing is OK, but when I read time from DS1307, I only receive the first character, then I can't send STOP signal, program is trap, so…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2112 Assuming HF XTAl = 6.5MHz, I generate toggle rate: P2.2 =TACCR0 = 6.5MHz/2x26 = 125kHz, P2.4 = TACCR2 = 6.5/4x26 = 62.5kHz. But when I set these value in my source code for TACCR0=26 and TACCR2=52, I get the…
So I just found something interesting! I have a PC with a clean install of win10, and I installed CCS 11.2 with the command line "--mode unattended --disable-components PF_MSP430,PF_MSP432"
And then installed the arm compiler and tried to use…
I ran into some issues using pdkProjectCreate script. See attached text files for output of both scripts i.e. pdkProjectCreate and pdksetupenv. The pdkProjectCreate script created a folder called MyExampleProjects but it was empty. The script appears…
Hello Walter,
I used a custom HAL implementation, as the regular ones are not compatible to the FR5989. Also enclosed are all the other parts of the code, neccessary to reproduce the Error.
By now I found a workaround for my project: I figured If timer…
OK, got an .rl file. See attached.
The line in question in this file is line 42960, __bis_SR_register(GIE). If you look, it replaces that line with the following:
__asm__ __volatile__ ("bis.w %0, SR { nop" : : "ri"((unsigned int) (0x0008)) );…