Part Number: MSPM0G3507 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hi Support,
I am working with CCS Theia and sysconfig 1.22.0_3893 on micro-controller MSPM0G3507. It is unable to updated any change in syscfg. The below changed…
Part Number: MSPM0G3507 Tool/software: I get the below message and can not do any work !!
CS_DAP_0: Error connecting to the target: DAP Connection Error. This could be caused by the device having gone to low power mode. Try forcing an external reset…
Part Number: LP-MSPM0G3507 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG , MSPM0G3507 Tool/software: I have installed sysconfig-1.22.0_3893 and mspm0_sdk_2_03_00_07 in the folders proposed by the tools (c:\ti\..)
When i try to load with sysconfig (Standalone…
Part Number: MSPM0G3507 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hi, I'm using the MSPM0G3507 device as a power up sequencer,
the device powers up an external power supply using its GPIOs to do it sequencly .
however, I need to add…
Part Number: MSPM0G3507 Tool/software: Dear,
My PCB is working well with CCS - XDS110.
However when I remove debugger, the processor seems not to start up.
I already disabled the BSL enable flag, so I expect the processor is not entering boot mode. …
Part Number: LP-MSPM0G3507 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0G3507 Tool/software: Hello Sir,
Sorry to bother you. Currently, I plan to use the MSPM0G3507 I2C to implement the BSL functionality. However, Chapter 3.2 of the manual(MSPM0 Bootloader (BSL…
Part Number: MSPM0G3507 Tool/software: Dear,
I have an issue when sending to CAN (1Mb) FIFO:
My settings are:
My code is:
canTxFifo is called frequently for sending a new message.
If I don't delay (in this case 150us), I lose messages on the CAN bus…
Part Number: MSPM0G3507 Tool/software: Hi, Can anyone tell me if I could connect MX25U25645G which is an eeprom to MSPM0G3507 for SPI Communication. What are the configuration I should do for this ?
Part Number: LP-MSPM0G3507 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0G3507 , SEGGER Tool/software: Subject: Issue with Flashing Code to MSPM0G3507 MCU Using J-Link Debug Probe
Dear TI Support,
Good morning.
I am working with the MSPM0G3507 (LP_MSPM0G3507) …