Part Number: OPA141 Hi Experts,
Good day.
A client is trying to use OPA141 to make a product. For that, they would like to evaluate some of the performance of this op amp more accurately.
Hope you can tell us how to test out the curve graph for the following…
Part Number: OPA141 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMP7711 Hello all.
My application requires to pick up very minute signals from a high output-impedance source, and so the first stage has to be as low-noise as possible. I have been looking for an appropriate…
Part Number: OPA141 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM7705 , LMP7721 , OPA320 , OPA325 How to design a transimpedance amplifier using opa141? I put the cathode of the photodiode at the inverting terminal, grounded the anode and grounded the non-inverting…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA141 Hi i have the opa141 connected in a non inverting amplifier.
weirdly, if i put a high resistance value >1M at the non inverting input to ground (because i have a high pass filter at the input), the op amp becomes…
Part Number: OPA2141 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA141 On my attempt to get Net List had ERROR not found in the configured Libraries. using the simulation window attempted to add model libraries to design cache.
the found out could not save the…
Hi Thomas!
Thank you very much for this explanation. Now we are thinking about two devices: more expensive but ultra low noise version with OPA141 and low-cost with some different amplifier. Because our volume is not very high, may be it is acceptable…
Hi Dane,
As Kai indicated, we may be able to address your question specifically if we you are able to show a schematic.
Here is what I am able to provide without specific schematic. we have the detail spec of the load capability for all temp range…
Hi Kai,
Thanks for your response. Actually, the starting amplitude is not always 200mV but it is in this order. It would vary from 50mV up to 250mV in different cases. Also, I know that this process can be done using series of OPA141 op-amps but I don…