Part Number: OPA145 Tool/software: Hello team,
Can NC pins(1, 5, 8) be connected to GND?
I believe it could be possible, but can you double check there is no wire bonded to the die?
Best Regards,
Part Number: OPA145 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMUX6208 , OPA140 Hi,
We have a circuit consisting of a OPAMP (OPA145) and AMUX (TMUX6208). The input of the OPAMP is connected to a mother-board test point. When there is no voltage from the mother…
Part Number: OPA145 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA392 , OPA397 , OPA325 Acc to the datasheet the OPA145 CM voltage range (max) is (V+)-3.5V. However, the diagrams are stated at VCM = Vs/2 even for +/-2.25 V supply. I can't see how these specs are…
Part Number: OPA145 Hello,
I would like to have voltage subtractor without using OPAMP. In the circuit attached below the voltage difference across A and B is 21V with point A=15V and point B=-6V. I want to develop a circuit that will have a voltage…
Part Number: OPA145 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA140 , TINA-TI Hello,
I am trying to simulate an analog circuit with OPAx145 OPAMP. I have used the TSM file of OPA145 , however I am not getting the desired resut during DC analysis as well as the…
Part Number: OPA145 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2991 , TL072 ,
I'm trying to simulate a charge amplifier in LTSpice to be used with a piezoelectric sensor in audio range.
Here are the resources for charge amplifiers:…
Part Number: OPA145 Hello,
I have a customer asking how to know which electrical specifications have been explicitly tested. My intuition is that anything specified with a min and/or max value has been tested for that parameter. Is this correct? What…
Part Number: OPA145 Hello,
i got the OPA145 recommended from the TI team for biosignal processing. We used the amplifier as a voltage follower. we supplied the part with +6.6V and -3.3V (originally we wanted to use +-3.3V but then we found this forum…
Part Number: OPA145 Hi Texas team,
OPA124UA is obsolete and texas suggest replacement is OPA145 but in OPA124UA output voltage mention 12 V and OPA145 output voltage mention " out put voltage swing from rail " = 250mV
i need the output voltage…
Part Number: OPA145 Hi, do you know why the U2 in this circuit does not buffer the 2,9 Volts at +5Volts on the supply (see attached)?
Thanks a lot for your help.
op amp.TSC