If you could provide system specs needed we can help you find a good replacement or verify if OPA2227/OPA228 would suit the customer needs.
Best. Jerry
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA228 , THS4151 I was trying to match the impedance of a buffer (OPA228) with a FDA (Full Differential Amplifier) THS4151.
But what is the real output impedance of the OPA228???
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA228 , OPA827 , OPA1641 , OPA140 , OPA134 Hello,
I`m using the OPA228 in a non-inverting amplifier configuration (gain=7). In my application, the amplifier output will saturate sometimes and this should not be a problem.…
Hello Alberto,
I looked into this with the team, and are requesting more details on the setup. Would you be able to share a schematic of the overall setup DUT (OPA657) + gain stage, which from the above looks to be both OPA140 (configured as voltage follower…
Part Number: OPA2228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA227 , OPA228 Hi,
Does this device have integrated ESD protection on the devices bi-polar power rails? (+/- rails) as in dual diodes connected from the negative supple to the positive supply.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA4228 Dear all,
One of my cusotmer use OPA4228 to measure current shunt drop out voltage. since there is only one 12V is avaialble, i suggest the customer change the reference voltage to 6V. however, i failed to get…
Hi Darren,
In section of of the datasheet, it is stated that OPA228 is intended for an application with Gain >= 5V/V. If you need unity gain op amp, you may have to select OPA227.
OPA228 is uncompensated amplifier and external compensation…
Part Number: OPA2228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA228 Hello,
I would like to use OPA2228 and it has offset voltage on the application limit. I got the idea to select such package which has the offset of the two amplifier counterbalance each others…
Part Number: OPA2228 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1789 , , OPA228 , OPA227 , TINA-TI Hello!
Is OPAx228 a no-go for active filters? I've bought a couple of them before realizing they're not unity-gain stable.
The datasheet does say that they…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH6642 , OPA228 , LMP7717 Hello,
Referring to page 3 of this document: Customer is looking for photodiode current-to-voltage conversion, however, he mentions that the current…