Part Number: OPA2320-Q1 hello team
Reffered to the datasheet of OPA2320-Q1, if use dual-supply, recommend range is ±0.9V to ±2.75V;
Is it ok for me to use asymmetrical power supply such as +3.3 for V+, and -2.1V for V-, still in Vs range…
Part Number: OPA2320-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2320 , OPA320
Hello All,
I am using OPA2320 opamp for the current sense application.Is the spice model provided by TI has temperature model in built?since i am not seeing any output difference…
Part Number: TLV2197-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2197-Q1 , OPA2320-Q1 , OPA2192-Q1 , Hi team,
Could you please help recommend a device?
Vcc > 5V
Vos < 2mV
Ios <25 pA
Ib < 25pA
CMRR >105 dB
PSRR > 95 dB
Iout > 1…
Part Number: OPA2320-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , , OPA2320 Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models In TI spice model zip file.The spice model for OPA2320-Q1 part is not available.please provide spcie model
Part Number: OPA2320-Q1 Hi,
this device has operational temp range up to 150 degrees C, but all parameters are tested and guaranteed only up to 125 degrees.
Do we have any characterization/data in the range from 125 to 150 degrees?
If not, it is better…
Hi cxvbxnvd,
I am able to read the words, but it does not make any sense. Could you resubmit your questions? You submitted inquiries in two different products with the exact the same words.…
Hi Gus,
To evaluate an arbitrary VREFHI driver, see the methodology developed in the TI precision labs training series "Driving the reference input on a SAR ADC":
Specifically for an automotive rated driver for this device, note that we do…
Part Number: ADS8353-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2320-Q1 , REF34-Q1 , ADS8353 Hello, I am using the example external voltage reference that implements the REF34-Q1 with the OPA2320-Q1 to supply a reference voltage to REFIO_A and REFIO_B. However…
Part Number: OPA2320 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA320 Hey folks,
Quick question regarding the OPA2320 and OPA2320A-Q1. It looks like both devices work in the same Ta (-40C - 125C), and the ESD ratings are surprisingly higher on the commercial version…