Part Number: OPA2690 Tool/software: Hi, we are currently using OPA2690 in our design. The minimum ACL gain mentioned in data sheet is 1, can we use it at 0.5 gain also?
Part Number: OPA2690 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA3690 , OPA3355 Hi team,
Does OPA2690'spec can meet ADA4855? if not could you provide suitable solution. thanks.
Part Number: OPA690 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2690 Tool/software: Hi, I want to use OPA2690 op amp in my circuit. I will be giving 12 inputs of 200mV each, which will be summed up to get 2.4V as output. But I want to reduce the gain such that…
Part Number: OPA2836 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM6172 , OPA2830 , OPA2690 , LMH6658 , , OPA2891 Tool/software: Hello,
I am looking for an equivalent part to OPA2836IRUNR with the following specs:
+/- 5V supply
Similar or better GBW stand slew rate…
Part Number: OPA2690 Hello team,
Can you please advise what is the manufacturer date of the following code OASG6 (which is printed on the package).
the full GPN: OPA2690IDG4.
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,
Part Number: OPA2690 This is dual channel op-amp and its datasheet says 190mA output current. Can anybody confirm this is output current specs. per channel? Thanks.
Hello Antonio,
I also tried swapping the OPA2690 and OPA2890 onto the TSC file you shared; the OPA2890 has similar offset while the OPA2690 has worse offset. Between three parts, the OPA2690 has double or more input bias current.
I think the high resistor…
Part Number: OPA2690 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , LMH6552
I have an unipolar signal with a swing between 0V and 1.3V and I need to convert it in differential (Common mode 1.575V +/- 0.675V on each output). I'm trying to design a circuit…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2690 Hello,
I simulated opa2690 in a unit-gain buffer topology, and found its input voltage offset roughly 2.8mV. Also, due to input bias current of 16uA at in(+), I got 0.8mV at in(+), with feedback node at in(-) is…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2690 , TINA-TI , OPA657 Attached is the schematic VM2 and VM6 should have sa ada4817_imaging.TSC me DC voltage but transient simulation shows different. Where is the problem