Part Number: OPA328 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-01055 , REF35 , OPA388 Tool/software: Hello TI support,
We are going to use OPA328 for SAR reference buffer circuit. I gone through TI design, TIDA-01055 and document "Do-it-yourself: Three Ways…
Part Number: OPA328 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Tool/software: Hi team,
i design a charge AMP by using a discrete JFET and OPA328,i know that a guard is necessary to surround the input in PCB to prevent Leakage current .but the circuit contains…
Part Number: OPA328 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Tool/software: Hi, I am trying to simulate CMRR Vs frequency for a difference amplifier. But I am getting different results in these (TINA_TI and PSPICE_FOR_TI) software's, I am not sure which…
Part Number: OPA328 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA3S328 , Tool/software: Hi Ti,
I'm having trouble identifying the issue with my model, which is set for a lower gain of 500 ohms using the OPA3S328 dual-channel op-amp in a transimpedance configuration…
Part Number: OPA328 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA350 , Tool/software: Hi,
just tried to design a current sensor monitor. I need to get an alarm, if the bidirectional current exeeds the allowed margin. Pulses were ok, rest could done in the FPGA…
Part Number: OPA328 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA134 I was looking for a newer part to illustrate some SSBW vs Gain issues, the OPA328 Aol phase, if I add that 20pF load, looks about right,
However, if I remove that 20pF (as would be a normal…
Part Number: OPA328 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2187 , OPA2387 Hi Sir
AD8639 is design for 100 ppm DC meter,
now we want to design a 20 ppm solution the OPA328 is right solution?
Part Number: OPA328 Hi team,
Could you please help check if we have application note or other papers to recommend how to design sampling circuit when the input sometimes has high common mode noise? (Only in very few situation have this noise)
Hello PG,
Please check out OPA328 vs. OPA340 . It is better op amp for TIA application. OPA3S328 is a dual channel version of the precision op amp + some additional features.
If you have other…