Thanks Nick, that didn't fix it though. New models/libraries downloaded, but available device list still reads ...OPA379, OPA381 ...
PSPICE just seems to ignore the OPA380 lib files(?)
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA381 Hello,
I am using the OPA381 to build a transimpedance amplifier for a calibrated photodiode from Thorlabs. The signal I am measuring is currently 1 kHz, but I may need to measure something as fast as 10 kHz, and…
Thanks a lot, much appreciate it.
AC zero_crossing.TSC
Kindly review the circuit.
VG1, VG2, VG3 values vary from 0.5V ~ 3V.
VG4, VG5, VG6 are 100mV, 10Khz noise source.
Let me explain what has evolved since then, the actual circuit board has parts till…
Also I'm using a similar circuit for detecting zero crossing on the ac side, 3phase 3-wire (delta) connection.
Let me give you a brief about that circuit. I'm expecting review of the circuit and circuit explanation.
3073.AC zero_crossing.TSC
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA381 , OPA380 I am seeing a high frequency ripple riding on my 25khz signal which I cannot account for adding a small feedback cap helps but also attenuates the signal .looking for a solution that addresses both issues…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA381 , THS4531 I'm using an OPA381 to provide trans-impedance gain from a photodiode. The voltage output from this stage drives a single pole low-pass filter realized via a THS4531 which is also performing single-ended…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA381 Hi,
First, happy new year!! (if it's still the right time)
Second, I m currently working with an OPA381. I tried to use TINA_spice but I missing a parameter. On page 7, There is a current source as input of…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA381 , OPA350 , OPA340 , OPA380 Hi,
I would like to create a courent source which could provide 25 mA as constant output current. I read the datasheet(OPA381) and it says that the current typ is 10 mA. I couldn't find how…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA381 Dear Ti team,
I need a low noise transimpedance amplifier, and I figured the OPA381 was a good choice since it has a low input noise and a linear phase (both are critical). But now I need to make a noise measurement…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA381 , OPA380 Team,
Can you please assist me with the following OPA381 stability question that came from JDSU?
Please read customer's comments for details.
"In the OPA381 data sheets, I read the max cap, which is…