Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA4134 I have a few questions regarding [OPA4134's PSR (Power Supply Voltage Fluctuation Removal)].
I am currently using your company's OPA4134 to study electrical circuits, but the PSR is not working properly.
Part Number: OPA4134 Folks,
A quick question regarding the units on the y-axis of figure 8:
Just eyeballing the numbers, if we do a noise integration from say 100-10000 Hz, we should get ~ (9900)^0.5 * ~ 10nV/rthz which is roughly 1uV. The number…
Part Number: OPA4134
Channel outout is Pin 14 4.2V , VCC=5V, Vin+= 1.3 Vpk , Vin- R1= 3.9K, R2 =6.8K
Provide case details or comments
The input + Pin 12 = sin Vpk-pk = 1.7 V, ., thias isgnal cames from cell A from the same OP We use Av = R2/R1 +1 ;…
Part Number: OPA4134 Hello!
Please help that we bought the OPA4134 part and the component was measured alone as follow to datasheet R1(10) AND R2(1K) signal gain will be 101.
then measured result did 381mV is it correct. test condition is +15V and -15V…
Part Number: OPA4134 Hi,
I recently worked on an audio line input to an A/D converter.
The circuit seems to work properly, but I've noticed that the OPA4134 gets really hot.
Is this normal for this opamp? or something I should change to avoid this…
Part Number: OPA4134 We found a problem with the OPA4134.
When we use below circuit and test condition. we found the output goes to positive saturation with this configuration. Instead, when we use the competition part of MAX4423, the problem is gone. what…
Part Number: OPA4134 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models How to implement 2nd order low-pass filter by difference amplifier input within one amplifier part.
Cross frequency about 600kHz
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA4134 Hi
My cuatomer is using OPA4134. He has a question. He think termination of unused pin as an attached file. Is there a problem?
Thanks Shimizu
termination of unused pin.pptx
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA4134 , OPA2132 I have a board made that takes a opa2132 as a pre-amp and its output into the input of a opa4134. All amps work great, but when connecting the 2132 output into the 4134 inputs sll you get elc noice and…