Hi Kishida-san,
Raymond is out for a few days. Let me clarify, here, we are speaking about the OPA445, correct, and not OPA455? Actually, the spec. that Raymond highlighted (abs. max.) is for voltages that can cause device failure, but important to keep…
Part Number: OPA445
To whom it may concern,
(1) What is the Common - Mode Voltage Range of the OP445AU when the supply voltage V+=52V , V - = - 3 . 3V ?
(2) W hen the voltage o f the i nput s ignal i s b etween the C ommon- M ode V oltage R ange a nd t he s upply…
Part Number: OPA452 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Hello,
I need to drive a 10uF capacitve load which acts as a low pass filter to block the dc current. The OPA452 amplifies the voltage of a rectangular signal and 2 transistors in a push pull…
Part Number: OPA445 Hi. I wonder if you can update OP temp for OPA445AU (Tube) at your homepage and in Datasheet? For OPA445AU/2K5 it is already stated. Best Regards Örjan
Part Number: OPA445 Hello,
I am designing a new product using the OPA445. I have tried to simulate it using Tina but the output does not seems to be amplified. Can anyone help?
Attached is the screenshot.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Than you…
Part Number: OPA445 As per title, will leaving pins 1 and 5 floating cause any problems? We have no plans on using the trimmers. This opamp will be used in a voltage follower configuration.
I wanted to let you know that we believe we have found a solution. Some of the OPA111 circuits use the trim pins and some do not. We found that, in the circuits that do not use the trim pins, the OPA445 works just fine. On the ones that use the trim…
Part Number: OPA445 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA544 , , OPA455 Hi Guys,
Good day. Could you help to provide us the ESD(HBM/CDM) specifications for these parts below which is under OPA445 and OPA544. I have provided all the OPN below to clear things…
Part Number: OPA445 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM3886 , , TINA-TI Hi,
Why this type of assembly is stable.
The counter-reaction is done on the + pin of U3 knowing that U4 has a gain = -1
Normally any feedback on the + pin of an AOP does not allow…
Part Number: OPA445 Hi Team,
A customer is asking if the present OPA445 is still have the unity-gain stable.
Because a 1997 datasheet states that the the OPA445 is unity-gain stable and requires no external compensation components
and the datasheet revised…