Part Number: OPA445 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models I'm running noise simulation of OPA445 using Tina simulation package. I suspect that the simulation model is not accurate by comparing with in data sheet…
Part Number: OPA445 Hello,
I have a question about the OPA445AP device regarding the maximum and minimum output voltages.
According to the data sheets, the OPA445BM output has to be under 5V of the respective supply rail.
However, I am curious about the…
Part Number: DAC8830 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA445 , Hello,
I have a question with DAC8830, we have a requirement to generate 0-50V(10mA) with combination of OPA445, can you please suggest us if it is a good practice?
Part Number: OPA445 Hello,
I don't understand how to use the PSRR coefficient. The datasheet specifies the PSRR coefficient for a supply voltage Vs of -+ 40V. Do I have to consider an offset voltage Vos due to the Vs variation with respect to -+40V or…
Part Number: OPA445 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Hello,
I'm using a model of my op amp that accounts for the basic offset voltage Vos_0, the offset voltage due to the CMRR Vos_CMRR and the input impedances (Zd: differential impedance; Zcm…
Part Number: OPA445 Hello,
I'm using my op amp in an application in which the common-mode voltage Vcm ( Vcm = (Vp + Vn )/2 ) is continuously changing. Since to evaluate the offset voltage Vos due the variation of Vcm I have to use the common-mode rejection…
Part Number: INA849 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA445 Tool/software: Hello TI,
I am running a simulation of piezo disc connected to INA849 amplifier through JFE140, ideally I would like to modify this design with voltage generation as a piezo…
Part Number: OPA445 hello,
I want to add the offset voltage Vos, the input bias currents Ib and the input offset current Ios to the ideal model of the op am by adding voltage and current generators to the input pins of the op amp. I have noteced that…
Part Number: OPA445 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR111 , OPA564 , OPA454 , OPA552 , OPA192 , OPA551
I wish to apply this design; I'm generating a -1.6 ~ 1.6V bi-phasic square pulse signal using an Arduino DUE's DAC by adding a highpass filter.…
Part Number: OPA455 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA445 , OPA593 , OPA462 Hi,
The customer has a new requirement that requires the voltage swing rate to be 40V/us and the OPA455 to be 32V /µs, but would like to know whether it can be used. Or…