Part Number: OPA4727 Tool/software: Hi,
On the datasheet of OPA4727AIPWR, we only have the thermal information of Theta-JA?
How about any other thermal resistor value, such as Theta-JC etc.? Could you please provide us?
Thanks and best regards, M.HATTORI…
Part Number: OPA4727 Hi
I designed a inverting summing amplifier by OPA4727.
Here is my schematic.
+V= 3.3V, -V = -2V. V1~V16 = 1.12V.
Do input voltage(V1-V16) exceed the range of OPA4727?
Part Number: OPA4727 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA4191 I'm seeing what looks like phase reversal in OPA4727. Has this been seen before. VCC is around 9V.
I like the voltage specs of the op amp and the trim, but I don't need the speed. It seems…
Part Number: OPA4727 Hello Opamp Experts,
The data sheet for the OP4727 ( SBOS314H–SEPTEMBER 2004–REVISED APRIL 2007 ) states:
- Front page -> All versions are specified for operation from –40 ° C to +125 ° C.
- Addendum-Page 1…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA4727 , OPA4703 , OPA4743 Hi
Should the trace length of Hsync and Vsync in XGA matched with respect to its RGB signals?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA727 Hello,
I'm a bit confused regarding input bias current specifications for the OPA727 op-amp. Referring to the datasheet, the "ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS" specify 85pA typ and 500pA max @ 25C, what common-mode…