Hello Charles,
I have been looking at the design inside of Tina Ti. I am trying to narrow down the issue for the DC voltage you are seeing. Can you measure the Vgs voltage that you are seeing on a board that exhibits high DC values on the output? My suspicion…
In general you can use many different operational amplifier available that are low distortion and low-noise. In their datasheet , usually the first page, they mention the application. you want to use op amps that are suitable for audio application…
Part Number: LME49860 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA604 , OPA134 I am trying to understand the LME49860 data sheet. This Opamp has a max supply voltage of+-22V which should give a max output swing of +-21.2V into 10k. Yet when I look at the data sheet…
Hi Christian,
OPA2604 has EOL status, see the link below. However, OPA604, a single op amp package is still Active, and readily available via TI store or distributors. It is possible that some distributors still have OPA2604 in stocks, but it is likely…
The OPA2604 is no longer available from TI or their distributors. The single channel OPA604 is still available...
If the DIP package is required, the only audio part available is the OPA2134; lower bandwidth but still a very good audio OPAMP. …
Part Number: OPA827 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA604 , OPA140 In a recent design update, we replaced an OPA604 with an OPA827 in a position as a voltage follower (buffer) at the input of an instrument. The input arrives on a BNC connector and feeds…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1798 , OPA604 Hi, I am trying to recreate the application circuit in the pcm1798 datasheet. In order to save cost, want to replace the recommended op-amps in the application circuit with opa604 (the recommended ones a…
Hello Fazlul,
The requirements of +/-24 V supplies and relatively wide bandwidth makes this a tough application for an operational amplifier. Most of the otherwise useable candidates top out with +/-18 V maximum supplies.The only device of the 3 that is…
Sam - Thanks for posting the schematic. Of the two OPA-series choices I mentioned I think the OPA134 would be the better choice. After I wrote my reply suggesting the OPA604 I realized that it may not allow operation from 9V. The OPA604 has a +/-4.5V…