Hello Robert,
I will look into what I can find on OPA355 and operating it above 5.5V. I also can recommend the OPA814 & OPA817 to address your slew rate & Ib needs.
Please let me know your findings on OPA355 if you set up tests to examine its…
Hi Michael, thanks for telling me about the OPA814 - Looks like a great device and a great upgrade. - I think I'll upgrade my design with this.
Are there any other high-performance op-amps in the pipeline?
Hi Amira,
Clemens is correct, the non-B variants are being discontinued to increase efficiency in that segment of production. The tube will also be removed to streamline the manufacturing process and will move to tape and reel.
As for your second question…
Part Number: TRF372017 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC3283 , THS4509 , ADS5424 , OPA355 , OPA814 , OPA817 , THS4551 , THS4541 , THS4503 Hi
we design a PCB with TRF372017 , a waveform generator IC ( AD9833) will be used to generate BB waveform, a 5th order…
Hi DeWei,
It is recommended to use the OPA356 with a supply voltage between 2.5 V and 5.5 V. The proposed usage with a total 7 V supply is beyond the recommended supply voltage rating and extended usage of the device at 7 V may cause permanent damage…
Frequently Asked Questions: Amplifiers >> High Speed Amplifiers >> HSA Selection Guide
Each Stage of the Receive (Input) and Transmit (output) signal chain leads to a series of product overviews and PDFS that provide solutions to common system…