Part Number: PCM1755 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1753 , Is the pcm1755 a drop in replacement for the pcm1753 except for the termperature range?
Part Number: PCM1755 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1753 Hi,
Does PCM1755 have zero detection function?
As below, it is no description related to PCM1755.
Best Regards,
Hello Sir,
Datasheet mentions (page 3) that ZEROA pin is Open-drain output for PCM1755 and not for PCM1754. So you do not need any pullup for this pin for PCM1754 as the output is a logic high or low accordingly.
Part Number: PCM1754-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1755 , PCM1754 , PCM1753 Hello,
The speed of MUTE for PCM1753 and PCM1755 is explained in the datasheet. But how about PCM1754? How long does it take from normal audio output level to infinite…
Part Number: PCM1754 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1755 , PCM1753 Hello Sir,
I saw in an E2E post, there is a link attached. While the material link doesn't work. Do you mind providing me the updated Evaluation Module User's Guide of PCM1754? Or…
Part Number: PCM1754 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1755 , PCM1753 Dear, Sir.
My customer is considering to apply PCM1754 for their system.
At this time, They want to obtain the EVM as the next step.
I can see the User's manual "DEM-DA1754 EVM…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1755 , PCM1754 , PCM1753 , TLV320DAC3203 , TLV320DAC32 Hi
Please help recommend a right DAC deivce to replace Cirrus Logic. Thanks!