Part Number: REF2030 1. VIN pin
The internal circuit of EN pin, pull-down or pull-up, is not seen in the datasheet.
The external resister should be added if necessary ?
2. Diode from VREF to VIN
What happens when the input voltage is off (0V) after VREF…
Part Number: REF2030 Hi Team,
Our would like to clarify about the maximum junction temperature. Please see his concern below.
What is the maximum junction temperature of this part that is fully functional. Not the absolute junction at 150C but fully functional…
Part Number: REF2030 I h ave questions on the capacitive load of device ref2030. It's that ok to set the output capacitor to 88uF which over the max value 10uF specified by the datasheet. What will happen if the capacitive load is increased. Unstable control…
Part Number: REF2030 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI Hi, ti
In the datasheet, the noise density of REF2030 was 0.25 ppm / sqrt(Hz).
When I tried noise analysis with tina-ti, the noise density was not matched to the datasheet.
I worked on the…
Part Number: REF2030 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF1930 , REF3430 Hello,
I am considering REF2030, REF1930, and REF3430 for a new design for +100kHrs operation. While there is datasheet specification of long term stability i.e. 60ppm for the first…
Part Number: REF2030 Hi team, 15V is applied to the output terminal when there is no power for REF2030. Is there any problem with Outputpin? If it has Absolute Maximum Ratings with Output pin, please let me know. Sincerely. Kengo.
Part Number: REF2030 Hi,
I implemented a multi stage amplifier for current sensing as shown in below.
With battery source, the circuit was operated well in the simulation
However, when I used the voltage reference to supply 1.5V to every op amp, the…
Part Number: REF2030 hi,
the stable output capacitor range (0-10uF) stated in datasheet (page 5, under the session CAPACITIVE LOAD ) refers to VREF only or applies to both VREF and VBIAS?
I would say the 2nd, just to be sure...
thanks a lot
Vincenzo …