Part Number: LOG114 I modified the LOG114EVM board to create this circuit:
For the first step I didn't connect Vlogout to R5 in order to just evaluate the first amplification step.
Unfortunately I cannot get the circuit to work.
V+ = 5V, V- = G…
When using voltage references the amount of current the REF device can source is important to consider. Since four INA213s will not draw 25mA into the reference pins, there shouldn’t be a problem using the REF3040, and a resistor in series…
Part Number: OPA335 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , REF3240
Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models
Hi Sir
sorry for i have no idea how to create different voltage to replace thermocouple volatge, may you pls have idea for us?
and beacuse there…
Part Number: REF6241 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DDC112 , OPA350 , REF3140 , Hello
The DDC112 device datasheet recommends using a voltage reference consisting of 1x REF3040 followed by 1x OPA350 to the voltage reference input pin for each Delta Sigma…
Hello CvT, You can use the same voltage reference (REF3040) but you may want to fanout the buffer stage along with the low pass filter. We have newer family of devices (higher channel count) where we have shared the external voltage reference circuit…
Part Number: DDC1128EVM Dear Sir/Madam,
Currently we are evaluating a DDC1128 Current-Input Analog-to-Digital Converter using the DDC1128EVM evaluation board. I would like to convert the raw output codes to a current in A (nA, uA, etc.). I can’t figure…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DDC264 , OPA365 Hi support team
My customer is evaluating X-RAY baggage inspection system using DDC264 customed board. They found offset (at output code) between side-A and side-B on same input channel. It is 67LSB on the…
Thanks for your reply.I am watching DVALID signal with an oscilloscope.CLK and the controller CONV both are connected to a D flipflop to generate actual synchronized CONV signal for the DDC112 .Vref is absolutely OK.It is generated using REF3040 IC as…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LOG114 , REF3240 Hello,
My customer has a question about LOG114.
Why is Rref 1.62Mohm in Figure 2 in the datasheet ?
Is this correct ?
<My understanding>
Rref = (Vref - Vcmin) / Iref
If the system is dual supply…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC2574 We have a design that is using the TLC2574 in single ended mode. We seem to be seeing a positive offset of ~ 50-100 mV on our expected readings at normal room temperatures. This relates to 10-20 ADC counts. We are…