Part Number: REF3425 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF3225 In the datasheet, section 7.5, the ENABLE pin leakage current is specified to be 1-2uA. Does this mean that there is a weak pulldown on the ENABLE pin? We would like to know if this pin can…
Part Number: REF3425-EP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF3425 , Hi All,
I have a problem buying the REF34xx and Ref35xx parts. The only one available is the REF3425-TEP
But our application needs the enable pin. The -EP datasheet only shows the pinout…
Part Number: REF3425 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF34T Hi TI experts,
TI provide 3 documents for simulation of the device:
I tryed to generate a new part for PSpice for TI with Tools->Generate Part and providing…
Part Number: REF3425 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I plan to use the REF3425T for cost savings reason vs. the REF3425, since i do neither need Enable nor Out/GND force. Nevertheless i do not want to miss the option of loading the REF3425 on the same board…
Part Number: REF3225 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF3425 , dear :
I want to replace REF3225 with REF3425 directly, no change schematic, is it ok ? any influence in function application ?
Part Number: REF3425 Hi Team,
We have received inquiry from customer that our IC REF3425IDBVR does not provide 2.5V.
According to them, the device output always below 2.5V with/without the decoupling which they cannot proceed the evaluation. Below is the…
Part Number: REF3425 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1612 , OPA211 Hello,
the datasheet mentions a „Stable output capacitor value“ of 0.1µF - 10µF.
Are there any possible issues that could occur when 100µF are used?
If the LTspice simulations are to be believed, it looks like the v(inoise) of the differential amplifier can be reduced by about 1/3, but replacing the MOSFET constant current source by a BJT. It seems like coupling a voltage reference with separate force…
Shorting the NR pin and VREF pin could alter the performance of the device negatively. Please recommend that the customer do not short these pins on REF35. If they need to short pins 5 and 6, they could consider a device like REF4132 ( https://www…