Part Number: REF6050 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8862 , REF6025EVM-PDK , REF6025
Dear Technical Support Team,
My configuration is ADS8862+REF6050.
There is CL+RESR(REF6050 DS shows 5mΩ+47uF) on output OUT_F/S .
I refer the REF6025EVM-PDK…
Part Number: REF6050 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8862 , REF5050 Dear Technical Support Team,
Do the OUT_S and GND_S of the REF6050 support pin remote sensing? We currently have the REF6050 mounted on a universal board with 5V power and GND wired…
Part Number: REF6050 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS8866 , REF5050 , TIPD211 , ADS8900B , OPA836 I'm hoping to use two daisy-chains of ADS8866 ICs in a multichannel simultaneous sampling system running at 50kHz. I currently have over twenty ADCs in the…
Part Number: REF6050 HI,
my customer is trying find a replacement with same function of DS4303,
after checking cross reference it recommend REF6050 but they said it's not same functionality.
they need the programmable pin(ADJ) as DS4303 to trigger…
Hi Dale,
Thank you for your support.
According to your summary of settling error, RFLT=25kΩ of c harge-kickback filter for Simulation 3.
How do you calculate it? Is the correct value RFLT= 25Ω?
Figure 62. Charge-Kickback Filter shows RFLT ≦ 22 Ω…
Part Number: ADS1256 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA350 , REF5025 , REF6025 , REF5050 , , REF6050 , TPS7A87
Here's my 2.5V VREF and 5.0V AVDD circuit base on other post ,
but I am not sure how to define these passive components. Any comments?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA241A , OPA320 , ADS8860 , REF6050 , ADS1220 , TINA-TI , INA296A Dear ladies and gentlemen,
I want to convert a PWM signal of 10sec. t_on and t_off (in total 20sec.), which is amplified to a range of approximately 1V to 4.5V…
open the REF6050 TINA-TI Reference Design
Then, copy and paste the model of REF6050 into your simulation.
By the way, the model of REF6050 is encrypted:
Part Number: ADS8860 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF6050 , REF6030 , Hello Keith,
Thanks for your response. Found that the analog input pin was not properly connected to the source and therefore SPI communication was improper
Now I want to finalise…
Part Number: ADS8860 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: REF6030 , REF6050 Hello Keith,
Now I am trying to use 2 ADC to obtain 2 channel input for 2 process values using ADS8860 EVM in prototype stage.
I have connected it in the following way to use ADS8860…