Part Number: RM46L850
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
PFA. please watch hetdin bit no 15 ,which is set,Can any one guide me why it so? tried hetREG1->DIN=0X00000000; STILL bit 15 =0;
Part Number: RM46L850 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi
PFA. here you can see spike, which is coming from HET pins.(for PWM & active high signal)
can any one please guide me, why it is there and how to resolve this ??? thanks
Part Number: RM46L850 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio hi
I m trying example program .can you please help me to resolve these error.
ccs v8, HETIDE for pwm generation,
Part Number: RM46L850 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi
how can I monitor debug_status_flag bit (inside HETEXC2) .I have put breakpoint, but couldn't see the bit 8 changed.
can anyone please guide me how to monitor that bit.
Part Number: RM46L850 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi
here I m trying to read input signal in n2het1_20. output is GIOB_2(on/off)
unlike gioGetbit(); in het.h no such function is there. How can I read a particular single pin high or low in n2het…
Part Number: RM46L850 1:RM46L850PGET, the second pin (GIOA [0]/USB2.0VP/USB-FUNC.RXDPI) can not be controlled by software programming when using the open-leak output mode, that is, the indicator lights are often on; other output modes, such as push-pull…
Part Number: RM46L850 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi
how can I capture input signal and to measure duty cycle which is coming from external source.
capturing should carried out via HET port pin.
thanks …
Part Number: RM46L850 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: HALCOGEN Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi,
I am able to generate pwm using n2het1, but next challenge what I have faced till now, How to disable the pwm generation.
I tried gioPORTA[5], but failed…
Part Number: RM46L850 Tool/software: Code Composer Studio Hi
As I m working on interrupt (set/clear) register.During debug what I have faced mentioned in below figure. Simultaneously intenset and intclr register changing their values.How this is happening…