Part Number: SN74AHC1GU04 Can TI provide me with a real SPICE model to simulate a Pierce-Gate crystal oscillator. The TI PSPICE model for the GU04 contains an error (undefined value for maxICC). When I set maxICC=0.001A, the simulation completes but the…
Part Number: SN74AHC1GU04 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC1210 , SN74LVC1G14 , TLV3501 When I used SN74AHC1GU04, I found that the output was different from what I expected. My input is about 2.2V, SN74AHC1GU04 supplies 3.3V, but the output is about…
Part Number: SN74AUP1G14 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AHC1GU04 , SN74LVC1GX04
Hi to all users. I need to design 3.3V FPGA board with clock from TCXO. TXCO would give me sine wave or clipped sine wave. TCXO I am actually using is 32MHz (I need 48MHz…
Hi Alpesh,
So keeping D04 high fixed the issue?
This pin is TRSTN and is for enabling the JTAG test mode. It's an active low pin, so if it's low then the device will be put into test mode and will not function as a normal switch. It needs to be kept high…
By "single stage" your customer is asking for an inverter with an unbuffered output. TI's inverters that end in "U04" have unbuffered outputs. Consider using the SN74AHC1GU04.