Part Number: SN74LV125A-Q1 Hi,
I am using SN74LV125A-Q1 buffer in my design. The datasheet doesn't provide any information about the connection of the thermal pad.
Can it be connected to GND or does it need to remain N/C?
LVDS repeaters are designed for LVDS signals.
There are clock buffers like the LMK1C1104/LMK1C1108. But you could also use plain logic buffers like the SN74LVC125A/SN74LVC541A/SN74AHC125/SN74AHC541/SN74LV125A/SN74LV541A.
Part Number: LSF0108 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0104 , SN74AXC4T774 , SN74LV126A , SN74LXC8T245 , SN74LV125A , SN74LXC8T245-Q1 , Hi,
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Part Number: SN74LV125A Hi
In the datasheet
the value of typical Vol(output ground bounce) and Vohv (output voh undershoot)
is seems a key future for SN74LV125A, (compare to some SN74xxx logic device)
But I can't not find its test condition. or detail…
Part Number: UC2844 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LV125A About safety certification process in China:
Hello TI Experts, I did safety certification process in Germany and last year I experienced the similar safety certification in China, which dived…
Part Number: TLC5916 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LV125A Hello,
I am working on a system that consists of a large series of TLC5916IPWR's daisy-chained together on multiple boards.
The system will involve 24 of these boards linked together…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LV125A Hi all Would you mind if we ask SN74LV125A? Our customer would like to add capacitance(0.1uF) to Enable pin to prevent noise. It is possible, right? Kind regards, Hirotaka Matsumoto
An isolator like the ISO7041-Q1 makes sense only for galvanic isolation.
The SN3257-Q1 would be able to disconnect the signals. Alternatively, use any buffer with Ioff protection, e.g., SN74LV125A-Q1 or SN54LVTH244A-SP.
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC1G126 , SN74LVC1G240 , SN74LV125A Hi all
Would you mind if we ask SN74LV14APWR, SN74LV125A, SN74LVC1G240 and SN74LVC1G126?
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