Part Number: SN74LV595A Tool/software:
Checking if parts are counterfeit or not. Confirmed part marking is correct for the SN74LV595APWR, but concerned with missing TI logo.
Part Number: SN74LV595A I have a question about Daisy chaining 2 SN74LV 595 parts together. We did this and do not have any delay in between the 2 parts. It looks like the output will change on the pos edge of SRCLK, QH’. Inside the chip, do you…
Part Number: SN74LV595A The background is as following:
Use SN74LV595APWR chips in groups of three and use them in cascade, as shown below.
According to the Timing requirements of the chip manual, SER is sampled on the rising edge, but starting from…
Part Number: SN74LV595A Hi support team.
My customer request us to get the old revision datasheet.
Could you provide the revision R and S datasheet?(Latest is Rev.T)
Best regards,
Part Number: SN74LV595A PCN 20221216004.1 indicates that the thermal parameters for SN74LV595ARGY changed as follows:
However, the datasheet Revision T seems to still show the older values:
Please confirm that the PCN values are correct and that the…
Part Number: SN74LV595A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC595A , TLV809E , SN74LV594A Hi Expert,
Customer used SN74LVC595A for led driving and they want to light led right away when power up(before clocks timing triggered). Checked DS the initial output…
Part Number: SN74LV595A Hi team,
For the the 3.3V operation, the datasheet specifies a minimum hold time of 1.5ns but the SRCLK to QH' has minimum time of 1ns. If we are connecting output of one to the input of another, could this violate the minimum hold…
Part Number: SN74LV595A Hi,team
When QH' will output? I can't understand from datasheet. I want to know QH'timing because I want to connect three device with daisy chain.