Part Number: THS4061M Tool/software: Kindly let us know the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF ) Value of the following device which are not found in the Datasheet and are freezed in our Circuit Design and we want to document the same in our Design Analysis…
Part Number: THS4061M Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA891 , Tool/software: Greetings from Rep of DATASOL,
We have Incorporated One of the TI Make Product with Part Number : THS4061MFKB into our Design and Production Project ,Kindly Let us the Know…
Part Number: THS4061M Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , THS4061 Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models Hi,
I am using this op-amp in my design for simulation purpose. I want to know IBIS model of this Part number(THS4061MFK).
Please share IBIS…