Part Number: THS4567
hello all,
i was trying to simulate the input impedance of the THS4567 in FDA mode in TINA TI with AC analysis. the real part of the impedance is as expected which is 2*RG but the imaginary part has inductive behaviour…
Part Number: THS4567
starting to work with this a bit for an article, Here, for some reason you went balanced supplies when this type of circuit works well on single supply - also, you show the input Cm loop enable at 5V using +/-2.5V supplies, also…
Part Number: THS4567 Dear, Support Team. Our customer uses a transimpedance to drive the photodirector current to a differential voltage output. However, the customer seems to have an oscillating output. Please tell me how to measure the gain/phase characteristics…
Part Number: THS4567
Figure 8-1 shows the current noise in series with the inverting input - since that is a current source, it is high impedance and would open the loop.
Normally, this is modelled as a current noise to ground at the V- node, not in…
Part Number: THS4567
I was working on some example sims in just a diff voltage amplifier and kind of needed how much Icm current is available - the TINA model seems to support 1mA demand before it falls apart. Surprised this spec is not there (or at…
Part Number: THS4567 Would you please give me a hand?
Just have a look at the schematic attached as below, which is based upon THS4567.
Of couse, Vbias should be -5V or -10V, which is depend on the bias voltage of the PD.
Hello Renan,
Thank you for checking with your customer. I apologize for the lateness of my response; I have been travelling and handling an influx of assignments upon my return. As I see it, since the issue is not affecting the end requirements for the…
Part Number: THS4567 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH32401 Would like to use THS4567 as differential output TIA with one (1) input photodiode. Data sheet section 8.3 Differential TIA with 0-V Biased Photodiode, presents a circuit with 0V bias (Fig…
Part Number: THS4567 Plan to use the THS4567 in a charge amplifier mode.
How is the noise modeled in the THS4567 Tina model?
I wonder if the input differential current noise and input single ended current noise are correctly modeled vs VICM and ICM enable…
Hello Alec,
Thank you very much for your recommendation.
Based on your simulation results we will choose FDA. Please confirm all of THS4551, THS4567 and THS4561 are also pair with either the unpopulated DEM-FDA-xxx-EVM boards or the THS4130EVM.
I imag…