Part Number: TIDA-01021 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2594 , LMK04828 Hi,
In the document Multichannel JESD204B 15-GHz Clocking Reference Design (Rev. A) says:
" Because the LMX2594 devices are being used in master mode, SysRefReq signal needs to be…
Part Number: TIDA-01021 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2594 , TPS7A8300 , Hi,
I am trying to understand the way LMX2594 are powered.
I can see there are several options, I guess one of which is using +3.3V_ALL that is supplied by TPS54318RTE.
Part Number: TIDA-01021 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04828 , Hi TI,
When running the TIDA-01021 and trying to set the LMK04828 to produce a continuous SYSREF signal I run into problems. PLL1 is programmed to produce a 100MHz signal from a 100MHz…
Hi Mats,
EEPROM of FT232H device need to be update for the TIDA-01021 clocking board with "TIDA1021_28" using the FT_Prog utility. Download the FT_Prog utility:
Once FTDI port string descriptor…
Part Number: LMK04828 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-01021 , LMK61E2 , Hi, all:
I have a question about digital lock of PLL1 in the LMK04828B.
As below figure.1 shown, I supply a 10MHz from TCXO to CLKin1, Fpd is set to 10MHz, and external VCXO is…
Part Number: LMX2594 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-01021 , LMK61E2 , LMK00304 Hi,
I have a question about LMX2594. My setup is listed below which refer to TIDA-01021 design :
1. LMK61E2 output 100MHz to OSCin of LMK04828B
2. OSCout of LMK04828B ouput…
Part Number: LMK04828 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-01021 , LMX2594 Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler I assembled a card named TIDA-01021 which TI not saled for test the chip of lmk04828 and lmx2594 how to sync between boards,but I find the board…
Hi, Noel:
I have no enough bandwidth probe to test 10GHz output from LMX2594, so I calculated the phase change through observing the acquisited waveform from two ADC which are clocked from the two LMX2594 respectively, as below figure shown. when I finish…
Hi,Ajeet Pal:
The SYNC from LMK04828B to two LMX2594 does take effect as below figure shown. After power up, I could see one time of phase adjustment between sysref clock of two LMX2594 definitely. But, the skew between them is ~80ps. The reference design…