Ok. I just saw the discussion at a new thread: https://e2e.ti.com/support/processors-group/processors/f/processors-forum/1241501/sk-am62a-lp-tida-01413-debug . Let's use that one for continuing support and I'll close this one.
Regarding OX03C, we…
Part Number: TDA4VM-Q1 Hello,
I wish to design an ADAS ecosystem using TDA4VM-Q1. For this I understand that following hardware components are necessary:
https://www.ti.com/tool/J721EXCPXEVM - Common processor board
Hello Eevee
Thank you for the inputs.
Again, as i mentioned, this is indicating the capability not the methodology. The interface used could be the above or any other interface depending on the use case.
Ex: Fusion board
Hi Marco,
There are some reference designs that involve sending deserializer output to an external CPU board, which can then be used to output video to a display. See the following product pages for more details:
Part Number: DS90UB953-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-01413 , TPS65263 , DS90UB960-Q1 , DS90UB954-Q1 Hello team,
I discussed the issue of no link SER-DES below -30°C in recent time with Nick ...
Now we could isolate it: In Fail case there is…
Hi Red Sun,
Please modify and run the P960_953_BIST_AllPorts.py script found in Analog Launch Pad ( Analog LaunchPAD v1.57.0010\PreDefScripts\DS90UB960 ).
This will ensure you have a proper link to all 4 devices from the 960 and will help identify any…
Hi Beaux,
All the design messages are released in TI website, please refer to TIDesigns on UB953, thanks.
www.ti.com/.../TIDA-01413; www.ti.com/.../TIDA-01323.
you also can find ub953/ub954 EVM design messages in www.ti.com/FPD-Link.
best regards…