Because of the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., TI E2E™ design support forum responses may be delayed from November 25 through December 2. Thank you for your patience.
Take a look at TIPD108 (design document here ) which is a circuit that converts an analog input signal into a PWM waveform. There is a section on a triangle wave oscillator design, and the parts selection portion of the document has requirements for the…
Hi Saif,
The bandwidth of the circuit will depend on the frequency of your input signal. The input signal in your case will be a light source for the photo-diode to detect. For example, in the design file a test to verify performance of the design was…
I am trying to implement simulation of SLAU508 Analog Pulse Width Modulation, but modifying it for ac-coupled input. I removed R2 from the circuit, per app not, but then the output only generates PWM output on the negative-going half of the input…
Hi Rock,
the errors of this circuit can very easily be simulated. In the following simulation R1, R2, R3 and R4 shall be free of any error:
Everything is fine. The error of output voltage is almost zero.
But when you assume production tolerances for…