No; outside the common-mode range, the opamp will not work correctly.
Use a rail-to-rail opamp like the TLV9001, or one whose common-mode range includes the positive rail like the TL081H.
Part Number: LM2904 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL071H , TL081H
請問使用LM2904 使當電流琛偵測使用 RS= 15m 歐姆
R2=R4= 100K
vo 理論上會是多少呢?
我從電表或示波器上看到都在12.8~13.3 v 這是合理的嗎? 還是已經進入飽和呢?
Part Number: TL084A Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL084 , TL081H , TL084H Hi,
Hi, To what current, if any, would the attached current clamp regulate the current, given that it is being operated outside of its common mode input range? LTspice and jpeg attached…
Have you consider using an op amp that likes the positive power rail. TL081H is an option. Vos is a little wider, but your high voltage common mode is likely a bigger error.
Part Number: TL071H Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL081H Please let me know,
1. What is the difference between TL071H and TL081H? How to choose in applications?
2. In a single 12Vcc application, VIN+ = 3V and VIN- = 2.5V, w hat will happen to the output…
The 3.5 mA value is consistent with figure 6 in the datasheet. And even a redesign would not change power consumption and speed by that amount.
5 mA sounds as if it could be something like the LM318. Can you check if there are clamping diodes between…