Part Number: TLE2141-EP I need to know if this part with a date code of 2241 means it was manufactured with the mold compound used after 10/06/2022.
Does "2241" mean the 41st week of 2022?
Does a part with this marking mean it was made with…
Part Number: TLE2141-EP PCN 20211216001.2 was issued in April of 2022, and it said the first ship date with the new parts would be 09/14/2022.
We have some parts in stock with date code 2241 (Lot code 2308201WDH). Do these parts have the new mold compound…
Part Number: TLE2141-EP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLE2142 , TLE2141 , TLE2141-Q1 Hi Team, we would like to seek your support for the ESD of this device.
Thank you very much.
Part Number: TLE2141-EP I am trying to find out if the die is the same in TLE2141QDRQ1 vs the TLE2141MDREP; I was told it is not because of the Q screening; What are the differences. Need to know to substitute part; did SEE/Radiation testing on the Q…