Part Number: TLE2144 Tool/software: Hello Team,
Need your input about the TLE2144 single supply operation. I know the device can operate from a single supply (for example 30V), however, is it capable to rail-to-rail operation single supply of 30 volts?
Part Number: TLE2144 Hi,
Can you tell me the impact of driving the inputs of this device when no supply voltage is applied. Our situation is that until we power up this portion of our board these inputs can be driven by +/- 15V with current limiting by…
Part Number: TLE2141 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLE2144 Hi Team,
My customer is evaluating TLE214x to drive capacitive load. The output of TLE2141 is either DC -2.5V or -6.3V.
With 0.01uF load and 10ohm output impedance, we find that there has…
Part Number: TLE2144M-D Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLE2144 Hello,
I am using two separate power supplies to provide ±15VDC to the op-amp. Being unable to start them simultaneously, there is a delay of roughly 100ms between the start of the first…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLE2144 I required IBIS model for following ICs
1. TLE2144
2. INA121UA
3. THS4130ID
Could you send me IBIS model for same .
Part Number: TPS40400 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA139 , TLE2144 , LM4041C , TPS543B20 , TPS543C20 , OPA4313 , TPS544C20 TI,
We are working on a solution which employs a TPS40400 based DC/DC, INA139 (Current Sense), TLE2144 (Quad Op-Amp), and LM4041C…